donations made easy
Donate online to Multifaith Housing Initiative through our new donation partner Classy. On the donation form, you can chose where your donation will go: Dream LeBreton Capital Campaign for Indigenous homes, General Operations, or Tenant Subsidies. Click the button below to go directly to donation form.
You can either make a donation to the Tulipathon campaign, support an individual and/or specific faith group, or sign up as a walker yourself. Click the button below to donate to MHI annual Tulipathon campaign* where 100% of the donations go to tenant subsidies.
*April to June only
*April to June only
receipts for online donations
When you make an on-line donation through MHI's online donation system Classy, you will automatically receive a tax receipt for the amount of the donation at the time the donation is made. The tax receipt is sent to the email you entered into Classy at the time of the donation. The tax receipt is attached to the bottom of the email and you may need to download the digital copy. Also, there are times when the automated emailed tax receipt will land in your email's spam or junk folders, so please check to ensure you received the receipt.
To donate to MHI'S sister charity, Veterans' House Canada, please visit