traditional methods of giving
If you'd prefer not to give online to United We Stand, please consider making contributions in the following ways instead:
- By cheque: Individual cheques can be made out to Multifaith Housing Initiative. Please include “United We Stand” and your church on the subject line. Please mail to 404 McArthur Ave., Suite 206, Ottawa ON, K1K 1G8.
- By phone: You can make donations by credit card over the phone by calling 613-686-1825. Let us know that you want to give to United We Stand, and tell us what church or pastoral charge you belong to so we can count your contribution toward your faith community's grand total.
- In-person visit: Call 613-686-1825 to arrange for a drop-off appointment at 404 McArthur Avenue. When you stop by, please let us know your contribution should be counted toward United We Stand, and let us know what church/pastoral charge you belong to.